Differentiated Instruction to Extend the Creative, Critical Thinking

2013-07-15 (星期一)
Review and discuss the definitions of giftedness and the implications of the characteristics of the linguistically gifted on curriculum design. Discuss and innovate differentiation strategies based on the strategies familiar to most of the English teachers to enhance the creative thinking (fluency, flexibility, originality, and elaboration), the critical thinking (the 15 Core Critical Thinking Skills advocated in Joyce’s Parallel Curriculum Model), and the language development of the gifted/more able in the regular English classroom. Share examples and frameworks to differentiate instruction in lessons and develop the English Language curriculum across levels with the Core Critical Thinking Skills for the gifted
獻主會小學 Oblate Primary School
訪客人次: 2792787
地址: 九龍土瓜灣順風街1號
Address: 1 Shun Fung Street, Tokwawan, Kowloon
電話(Tel): 23648375
傳真(Fax): 23648335
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